What is prayer room I mean? ?
What is prayer room I mean?
And or there is an Islamic mosque in the town of Hatagaya, but it is the district where there is a culture of Muslims?
Sakura Hotel Hatagaya, we have welcomed guests from all over the world as a Muslim-friendly hotel.
There is a small room for choice in the part for guests
Or there is a mark in the direction of Mecca, but's a very nice small room with Mr. Mohamed is me trimmed clean
Now, will lead if Yobe what exactly in English? ? ?
Although the English is correct likely is Prayer room
Muslim guest Many also be referred to as a playroom from non-English-speaking country.
Author in training kana sad, is in your head? ? ? ? ? It has become filled in.
Entertainment space, such as a playroom there is a table tennis table for the author of the Japanese!
Well trying to do but not in such the hotel? ? ?
In the head and is in large panic! ! !
Pray room instead of Play room after Futamei panic terrible in person! And we are in for consent. . .
By the way entertainment facilities, such as in hot springs is so say the rec room (Rekurumu).